Christian Otto FICKER

Ancestors of Christian Otto FICKER

        /-Christian Gottlob FICKER
Christian Otto FICKER
        \-Christiane Wilhelmine GÖTHEL

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Christian Traugott FICKER

Ancestors of Christian Traugott FICKER

                                                /-Andreas FICKER
                                      /-Esaias FICKER
                            /-Esaias FICKER
                            |         |                   /-Michel KUNZ
                            |         |         /-Andreas KUNZ
                            |         |         |         \-Anna GÖDEL
                            |         \-Rosina KUNTZ
                            |                   |         /-Martin WETZEL
                            |                   \-Christina WETZEL
                            |                             \-Anna REIMANN
                  /-Esaias FICKER
                  |         |                   /-Nicol BACH
                  |         |         /-Nicolaus BACH
                  |         \-Rosina BACH
                  |                   |                   /-Hans DITMAR
                  |                   |         /-Andreas DIPPMANN
                  |                   |         |         \-Dorothea WINTER
                  |                   \-Rosina DIPPMANN
                  |                             |         /-Michel KUNZ
                  |                             \-Maria KUNTZ
                  |                                       \-Anna GÖDEL
        /-Esaias FICKER
        |         |                                       /-Matz GÜNTHER
        |         |                             /-Matheus GÜNTHER
        |         |                             |         \-Barbara MICHEL
        |         |                   /-Andreas GÜNTHER
        |         |                   |         |         /-Georg HEIMPOL
        |         |                   |         \-Christina HEIMPOL
        |         |                   |                   \-Christina WETZEL
        |         |         /-Christian GÜNTHER
        |         |         |         |         /-Georg HAYN
        |         |         |         \-Justina HAYN
        |         \-Anna Regina GÜNTHER
        |                   |                             /-Christoph HÖCKRICHT
        |                   |                   /-Christoph HÖCKERICH
        |                   |                   |         \-Magdalena KEUL
        |                   |         /-Georg HÖCKERICH
        |                   |         |         |         /-Jacob WINTERMANN
        |                   |         |         \-Christina WINTERMANN
        |                   |         |                   \-Catharina HEIMPOL
        |                   \-Susanna HÖCKERICH
        |                             |         /-Andreas COLDITZ
        |                             \-Regina COLDITZ
Christian Traugott FICKER
        \-Johanna Sophia THIERFELDER

Descendants of Christian Traugott FICKER

1 Christian Traugott FICKERChristiana Carolina Friederika ENGERT  Marriage: 14 SEP 1823, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Linna Amalie FICKERPaul Daniel HÄUßLER  Marriage: 15 APR 1849, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Amalie Marie HÄUßLERGustav Theodor GRUNERT  Marriage: 30 OCT 1871, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Lina Franziska FICKERLouis Moritz WALLBURGER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1859, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Laura Mathilde FICKERGustav Herrmann MARTIN  Marriage: 27 APR 1854, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Franziska Ernestine FICKERJulius Adolf KLEINSTÜCK  Marriage: 14 APR 1861, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christiana FICKER

Descendants of Christiana FICKER

1 Christiana FICKERTheophilus NEUBERT
      2 Christiana Friederika NEUBERTGottlob Friedrich KRAUßE  Marriage: 23 JUN 1805, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Christiana Friederika KRAUSECarl Friedrich ZSCHOCK  Marriage: 2 SEP 1849, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Gottlob Friedrich KRAUSECaroline Wilhelmine SCHWOTZER  Marriage: 23 OCT 1831, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Karoline Wilhelmine KRAUßAugust Adolph REINHOLD  Marriage: 14 OCT 1852, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                        5 Anna Marie REINHOLD
                        5 Hulda Selma Auguste REINHOLDOtto Reinhard ENDERES  Marriage: 10 OCT 1881, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                              6 Selma Klara ENDERESOtto Richard LANDGRAF  Marriage: 19 APR 1903, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                                    7 Selma Gertrud LANDGRAFErnst Bruno LINDNER
            3 August Heinrich KRAUSE
            3 Johann Gotthelf KRAUSEChristiane Caroline NEUBERT  Marriage: 10 APR 1853, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Carolina Friederika KRAUSE
            3 Johanna Dorothea KRAUSEFriedrich Wilhelm WALTHER  Marriage: 29 APR 1849, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Caroline Theodore WALTHEREmil Oskar DREHER  Marriage: 9 FEB 1878, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christiana Carolina FICKER

Ancestors of Christiana Carolina FICKER

                            /-Johann Gottlieb FICKER
                  /-Johann Gottlob FICKER
        /-Johann Gottlob FICKER
        |         |                                       /-Hans BONITZ
        |         |                             /-Andreas BONITZ
        |         |                             |         \-Barbara SCHMIDT
        |         |                   /-Jacob BONITZ
        |         |                   |         |         /-Hans HERTEL
        |         |                   |         \-Maria HERTEL
        |         |                   |                   \-Maria RICHTER
        |         |         /-Michael BONITZ
        |         |         |         |         /-Michael KREBS
        |         |         |         \-Dorothea KREBS
        |         |         |                   \-Christina WEIßE
        |         \-Anna Maria BONITZ
        |                   \-Elisabeth VOGEL
Christiana Carolina FICKER
        |         /-Christian Friedrich ZSCHOCKE
        \-Christiana Rosina ZSCHOCK
                  \-Christiana Rosina GROßMANN

Descendants of Christiana Carolina FICKER

1 Christiana Carolina FICKERChristian Friedrich KRETZSCHMAR  Marriage: 11 MAR 1848, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Christian Friedrich KRETZSCHMARAuguste Wilhelmine HECKER  Marriage: 26 NOV 1871, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen

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Christiana Carolina FICKER

Ancestors of Christiana Carolina FICKER

                            /-Johann Gabriel FICKER
                  /-Carl Gottlob FICKER
                  |         |         /-Johann Christoph TUCHSCHERER
                  |         \-Johanna Sophia TUCHSCHERER
                  |                   |                   /-Paul HÄUßLER
                  |                   |         /-Christian HÄUßLER
                  |                   |         |         \-Dorothea ENGELHARDT
                  |                   \-Judith HÄUßLER
                  |                             \-Maria SIEBER
        /-Carl Gottlob FICKER
        |         |                   /-Georg FISCHER
        |         |         /-Christoph Friedrich FISCHER
        |         |         |         |                   /-Christoph SCHEFFLER
        |         |         |         |         /-Christoph SCHÖFFLER
        |         |         |         |         |         \-Justina FRITZSCH
        |         |         |         \-Elisabeth SCHÖFFLER
        |         |         |                   |         /-Andreas VOITEL
        |         |         |                   \-Susanna VOITEL
        |         |         |                             \-Justina PFAB
        |         \-Johanna Sophia FISCHER
        |                   |                             /-Abraham REINHOLD
        |                   |                   /-Andreas REINHOLD
        |                   |                   |         \-Rosina WEIßBACH
        |                   |         /-Israel REINHOLD
        |                   |         |         |         /-Elias BONITZ
        |                   |         |         \-Susanna BONITZ
        |                   |         |                   \-Sabina WEBER
        |                   \-Maria Christina REINHOLD
        |                             |                   /-Andreas GÖTEL
        |                             |         /-Israel GÖTHEL
        |                             |         |         \-Maria KORN
        |                             \-Anna Maria GÖTHEL
        |                                       |         /-Hans SIEBER
        |                                       \-Esther SIEBER
        |                                                 \-Esther GÜNTHER
Christiana Carolina FICKER
        |                                       /-Christian ESCHER
        |                             /-Gottfried ESCHER
        |                             |         \-Maria LEICHSENRING
        |                   /-Christoph Friedrich ESCHER
        |                   |         |                   /-Christoph ROSCHER
        |                   |         |         /-Christoph ROSCHER
        |                   |         \-Juditha ROSCHER
        |                   |                   |         /-Georg BONITZ
        |                   |                   \-Rosina BONITZ
        |                   |                             \-Christina LANGE
        |         /-Christian Gotthold ESCHER
        |         |         \-Johanna Rosina ENDERLEIN
        \-Johanna Dorothea Concordia ESCHER
                  |         /-Christian Friedrich KÖRTING
                  \-Dorothea Rosina KÖRTING
                            \-Johanna Christiana MARTIN

Descendants of Christiana Carolina FICKER

1 Christiana Carolina FICKERChristian Wilhelm ZAHN  Marriage: 11 JAN 1824, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christiana Concordia FICKER

Descendants of Christiana Concordia FICKER

1 Christiana Concordia FICKERGeorg Friedrich SIEBER  Marriage: 19 SEP 1813, Grünhain, Beierfeld, Sachsen
      2 Christian Friedrich SIEBERJohanne Christiane Sophie GÜNTHER  Marriage: 2 MAY 1841, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Marie Rosine SIEBERChristian Gottfried NEUKIRCHNER  Marriage: 19 MAY 1867, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Ernst Emil NEUKIRCHNERIda Milda KELLER  Marriage: 14 MAY 1896, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Oskar Emil NEUKIRCHNERLinda Rosa ROTH  Marriage: 27 MAY 1901, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Johanne Christiane SIEBERFriedrich Ernst KLINGER  Marriage: 18 FEB 1877, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Gustav Friedrich SIEBERIda Minna Rosalie KURTH  Marriage: 19 NOV 1871, Auerbach, Erzgeb.
                  4 Anna Selma SIEBEROtto Bruno BEIER  Marriage: 19 NOV 1893, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                        5 Rosa Marie BEIERErnst Arthur HEROLD  Marriage: 31 MAR 1917, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                              6 Max Ernst HEROLDEduard GOTZMANN  Marriage: 18 SEP 1904, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                        5 Irmgard GOTZMANN
                  4 Emma Marie SIEBEROtto Emil GEBHARDT  Marriage: 23 MAY 1903, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Auguste Klara SIEBEREmil Oskar NEUKIRCHNER  Marriage: 19 SEP 1899, Zwönitz, Sachsen
              ∞ Minna Christiana KNIETZSCH  Marriage: 19 MAR 1891, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Christian Gottlieb SIEBERJohanne Christliebe WEIGEL  Marriage: 20 FEB 1848, Dorfchemnitz, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 August Friedrich SIEBER

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Christiana Friederika FICKER

Descendants of Christiana Friederika FICKER

1 Christiana Friederika FICKERJohann Traugott GÖTHEL  Marriage: 18 OCT 1812, Geyer, Sachsen
      2 Christiana Carolina GÖTHELFriedrich August EBERLEIN  Marriage: 4 SEP 1836, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Auguste Wilhelmine EBERLEINFriedrich Bernhard BOCHMANNChristian Friedrich FISCHER  Marriage: 3 SEP 1848, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Anna Auguste FISCHERKarl Hermann MÜLLER  Marriage: 6 JUL 1873, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Alma Hulda MÜLLERMax Emil SEIDEL  Marriage: 3 SEP 1898, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Ernestine Wilhelmine GÖTHEL

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Christiana Rosina FICKER

Ancestors of Christiana Rosina FICKER

                            /-Johann Gottlieb FICKER
                  /-Johann Gottlob FICKER
        /-Johann Gottlob FICKER
        |         |                                       /-Hans BONITZ
        |         |                             /-Andreas BONITZ
        |         |                             |         \-Barbara SCHMIDT
        |         |                   /-Jacob BONITZ
        |         |                   |         |         /-Hans HERTEL
        |         |                   |         \-Maria HERTEL
        |         |                   |                   \-Maria RICHTER
        |         |         /-Michael BONITZ
        |         |         |         |         /-Michael KREBS
        |         |         |         \-Dorothea KREBS
        |         |         |                   \-Christina WEIßE
        |         \-Anna Maria BONITZ
        |                   \-Elisabeth VOGEL
Christiana Rosina FICKER
        |         /-Christian Friedrich ZSCHOCKE
        \-Christiana Rosina ZSCHOCK
                  \-Christiana Rosina GROßMANN

Descendants of Christiana Rosina FICKER

1 Christiana Rosina FICKERJohann Friedrich NEUKIRCHNER  Marriage: 23 FEB 1835, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christiana Sophia FICKER

Ancestors of Christiana Sophia FICKER

        /-Johann Gottlieb FICKER
Christiana Sophia FICKER
        |                                       /-Nickel GÖTTELL
        |                             /-Jacob GÖTHEL
        |                             |         |         /-Gerg MÜHLENDERLEIN
        |                             |         \-Christina MÜHLENDERLEIN
        |                   /-Samuel GÖTHEL
        |                   |         |         /-Hans HÖFER
        |                   |         \-Maria HÖFER
        |                   |                   \-Maria NN
        |         /-Christian GÖTHEL
        |         |         |                   /-Christoph KUNZ
        |         |         |         /-Michel KUNZ
        |         |         |         |         \-Magdalena NN
        |         |         \-Justina KUNTZ
        |         |                   |         /-Christoph GÖDEL
        |         |                   \-Anna GÖDEL
        |         |                             |         /-Christoph ENGELHART
        |         |                             \-Christina ENGELHARDT
        |         |                                       \-Margarethe GÜNTHER
        \-Anna Catharina GÖTHEL
                  |                   /-Hans (Ruffus) BONITZ
                  |         /-Michael BONITZ
                  |         |         |                   /-Barthol RAU
                  |         |         |         /-Paul RAU
                  |         |         |         |         \-Catharina LASCH
                  |         |         \-Maria RAU
                  |         |                   |         /-Matts GÜNTHER
                  |         |                   \-Dorothea GÜNTHER
                  |         |                             \-Barbara HEIMPOL
                  \-Anna Christliebe BONITZ
                            |         /-Tobias LAUCKNER
                            \-Regina LAUCKNER
                                      \-Barbara KUNTZMANN

Descendants of Christiana Sophia FICKER

1 Christiana Sophia FICKERJohann Friedrich HAHN  Marriage: 15 JUN 1755, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Christiana Sophia HAHNChristian Friedrich MÜLLER  Marriage: 31 AUG 1800, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christiana Sophia FICKER

Descendants of Christiana Sophia FICKER

1 Christiana Sophia FICKERJohann Christoph HAHN
      2 Carl Friedrich HAHN

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Christiana Theodora FICKER

Ancestors of Christiana Theodora FICKER

                  /-Johann Gabriel FICKER
        /-Carl Gottlob FICKER
        |         |         /-Johann Christoph TUCHSCHERER
        |         \-Johanna Sophia TUCHSCHERER
        |                   |                   /-Paul HÄUßLER
        |                   |         /-Christian HÄUßLER
        |                   |         |         \-Dorothea ENGELHARDT
        |                   \-Judith HÄUßLER
        |                             \-Maria SIEBER
Christiana Theodora FICKER
        |                   /-Georg FISCHER
        |         /-Christoph Friedrich FISCHER
        |         |         |                   /-Christoph SCHEFFLER
        |         |         |         /-Christoph SCHÖFFLER
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Matthes FRITZSCH
        |         |         |         |         \-Justina FRITZSCH
        |         |         |         |                   \-Magdalena KUNTZ
        |         |         \-Elisabeth SCHÖFFLER
        |         |                   |                   /-Jacob VOITEL
        |         |                   |         /-Andreas VOITEL
        |         |                   |         |         \-Anna BOCHMANN
        |         |                   \-Susanna VOITEL
        |         |                             |         /-Valentin PFAB
        |         |                             \-Justina PFAB
        |         |                                       \-Sabina BITTNER
        \-Johanna Sophia FISCHER
                  |                                       /-Hans REINHOLT
                  |                             /-Abraham REINHOLD
                  |                             |         \-Margaretha KEßLER
                  |                   /-Andreas REINHOLD
                  |                   |         |         /-Georg WEIßBACH
                  |                   |         \-Rosina WEIßBACH
                  |         /-Israel REINHOLD
                  |         |         |                   /-Jacob BONITZ
                  |         |         |         /-Elias BONITZ
                  |         |         |         |         \-Margaretha BOCHMANN
                  |         |         \-Susanna BONITZ
                  |         |                   |         /-Christoph WEBER
                  |         |                   \-Sabina WEBER
                  |         |                             \-Anna PFAB
                  \-Maria Christina REINHOLD
                            |                             /-Andreas GÖTEL
                            |                   /-Andreas GÖTEL
                            |                   |         \-Magdalena FRÖHLICH
                            |         /-Israel GÖTHEL
                            |         |         |         /-Georg KORN
                            |         |         \-Maria KORN
                            |         |                   \-Katharina REISIG
                            \-Anna Maria GÖTHEL
                                      |                   /-Georg SIEBER
                                      |         /-Hans SIEBER
                                      |         |         \-Sybylla HAYN
                                      \-Esther SIEBER
                                                |         /-Caspar GÜNTHER
                                                \-Esther GÜNTHER
                                                          \-Christina BAUER

Descendants of Christiana Theodora FICKER

1 Christiana Theodora FICKERCarl Friedrich NEUKIRCHNER  Marriage: 21 JUN 1801, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Carl August NEUKIRCHNER
      2 Christian Friedrich NEUKIRCHNERFriederika Henrietta FISCHER  Marriage: 21 NOV 1830, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Friedrich Wilhelm NEUKIRCHNERAuguste Wilhelmine SCHWOTZER  Marriage: 16 JAN 1859, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christiane Caroline FICKER

Descendants of Christiane Caroline FICKER

1 Christiane Caroline FICKERChristian Traugott Friedrich RICHTER  Marriage: 3 MAY 1841, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Auguste Caroline RICHTERKarl Friedrich HUMANN  Marriage: 11 FEB 1866, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Ernestine Wilhelmine RICHTERErnst Robert HOFMANN  Marriage: 29 OCT 1865, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Anna Auguste HOFMANNKarl Otto HAMMER  Marriage: 15 JUL 1894, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Elsa Elise HAMMERFriedrich Anton BECHER  Marriage: 29 SEP 1894, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Friedrich August RICHTERAnna Pauline HAHNEL  Marriage: 2 JUN 1873, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Minna Ernstine RICHTERNikolaus Karl MERGNER  Marriage: 1872, Hof, Oberfranken, Bayern
      2 Emma Anna RICHTER
      2 Christian Otto RICHTERLinna Selma FREITAG  Marriage: 1 MAR 1913, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christiane Caroline FICKER

Descendants of Christiane Caroline FICKER

1 Christiane Caroline FICKERJohann Georg Friedrich DIETRICH  Marriage: 1833, Lößnitz, Sachsen

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Christiane Henriette FICKER

Descendants of Christiane Henriette FICKER

1 Christiane Henriette FICKERChristian Gottfried WETZEL  Marriage: 7 APR 1839, Bernsbach, Sachsen
  ∞ Christian Wilhelm PÄßLER  Marriage: 5 NOV 1843, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Minna Pauline PÄßLERMoritz Maximilian JOSIGER  Marriage: 15 NOV 1863, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christiane Wilhelmine FICKER

Ancestors of Christiane Wilhelmine FICKER

        /-Christian Gottlob FICKER
Christiane Wilhelmine FICKER
        \-Christiane Wilhelmine GÖTHEL

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Christiane Wilhelmine Amalie FICKER

Descendants of Christiane Wilhelmine Amalie FICKER

1 Christiane Wilhelmine Amalie FICKERChristian Wilhelm DREHER  Marriage: 28 JUL 1846, Grünhain, Beierfeld, Sachsen
      2 Anne Marie DREHERGustav Friedrich DECKER  Marriage: 6 JUN 1869, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Selma Frida DECKERFerdinand Emil Immanuel HUNGER

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Christlieb Adolph FICKER

Ancestors of Christlieb Adolph FICKER

        /-Christian FICKER
Christlieb Adolph FICKER
        |                                       /-Stefan GRABNER
        |                             /-Heinrich GRABNER
        |                             |         \-Magdalena NN
        |                   /-Peter GRABNER
        |                   |         |                   /-Jacob GÖDEL
        |                   |         |         /-Andreas GÖTEL
        |                   |         |         |         \-Barbara NN
        |                   |         \-Justina GÖDEL
        |                   |                   |         /-Wolf FRÖHLICH
        |                   |                   \-Magdalena FRÖHLICH
        |         /-Gotthilf GRABNER
        |         |         \-Anna Maria NN
        \-Maria Elisabeth GRABNER
                  |                   /-Jacob MENDE
                  |         /-Israel MENDE
                  |         |         \-Maria NN
                  \-Anna Catharina MENDE
                            |         /-Georg ILLING
                            \-Rosina ILLIG
                                      \-Sabina HEIMPEL

Descendants of Christlieb Adolph FICKER

1 Christlieb Adolph FICKERAnna Maria SCHUSTER  Marriage: 1765, Neustadt b. Stolpen

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Christoph FICKER

Ancestors of Christoph FICKER

                  /-Andreas FICKER
        /-Esaias FICKER
Christoph FICKER
        |         /-Christoph BOCHMANN
        \-Susanna BOCHMANN
                  \-Sybilla HUBIGER

Descendants of Christoph FICKER

1 Christoph FICKERJudith GRABNER  Marriage: 8 NOV 1712, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Johann Christoph FICKER

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Clara Sophia FICKER

Descendants of Clara Sophia FICKER

1 Clara Sophia FICKERGeorg Friedrich HÖFER  Marriage: 1794

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Clemens FICKER

Descendants of Clemens FICKER

1 Clemens FICKERChristiana Carolina BAUER  Marriage: 23 NOV 1794, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Carl August FICKERCarolina Concordia HÄUßLER  Marriage: 24 NOV 1822, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Carl August Eduard FICKERErnestine Wilhelmine BÜTTNER  Marriage: 9 JAN 1853, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Ida Marie FICKERClemens Albin HOFMANN  Marriage: 29 JUN 1876, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Wilhelm Gustav FICKERErnestine Wilhelmine ARNOLD  Marriage: 10 SEP 1854, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Friedrich Oskar FICKER
            3 Auguste FICKER
            3 Minna Ernestine FICKERJohanne Christiane GÜNTHER  Marriage: 24 APR 1808, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Johanne Christiane Sophie FICKERChristian Friedrich GRABNER  Marriage: 29 JUL 1838, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Christian Heinrich GRABNERAnna Maria SCHLETTER  Marriage: 2 JUL 1865, Dresden-Neustadt
            3 Linna Auguste GRABNERFriedrich Ernst GASCH  Marriage: 8 AUG 1869, Chemnitz, Sachsen, St. Johannis
            3 Ernestine Wilhelmine GRABNER
              ∞ (Unknown)
                  4 Anna Maria GRABNEROtto Friedrich REUTHER  Marriage: 19 NOV 1896, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Selma Helene GRABNEROtto Paul FISCHER  Marriage: 7 FEB 1903, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                        5 Rudolf Otto FISCHERKarl Heinrich SCHUSTER  Marriage: 27 OCT 1889, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Simon Emanuel GRABNERTheolinde Louise GÖTHEL  Marriage: 15 JUN 1884, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Carl Ferdinand FICKERChristiane Caroline LEISTNER  Marriage: 10 AUG 1851, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Auguste Wilhelmine FICKERKarl Richard ESCHER
            3 Carl Gustav FICKER
            3 Carl August FICKER

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Descendants of Daniel FICKER

1 Daniel FICKERJuditha SCHIECK  Marriage: 17 SEP 1725, Bernsbach, Sachsen

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Descendants of Elias FICKER

1 Elias FICKERAnna Maria WEIGEL  Marriage: 3 OCT 1692, Raschau, Schwarzenberg, Sachsen
      2 Anna Rosina FICKERJohann Daniel NEUBERT  Marriage: 8 FEB 1731, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Christoph Friedrich NEUBERT
            3 Georg Friedrich NEUBERTJohanna Sophia UHLIG  Marriage: 26 OCT 1773, Zöblitz
            3 Christiana NEUBERT

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Erdmuthe Sophia FICKER

Descendants of Erdmuthe Sophia FICKER

1 Erdmuthe Sophia FICKERCarl Gottlob GÖTHEL
      2 Friedrich Gottlieb GÖTHELChristiana Charlotte BONITZ  Marriage: 11 JAN 1824, Bernsbach, Sachsen
            3 Christiana Concordia GÖTHEL
            3 Gottlieb Friedrich GÖTHEL
            3 Christiane Caroline GÖTHEL
            3 Charlotte Louise GÖTHEL
            3 Christiane Henriette GÖTHEL
            3 Christian Heinrich GÖTHELAuguste Therese FICKER  Marriage: 7 FEB 1864, Schwarzenberg, Sachsen
                  4 Auguste Helene GÖTHEL
            3 Christian Ernst GÖTHEL

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Ernst Bernhard FICKER

Descendants of Ernst Bernhard FICKER

1 Ernst Bernhard FICKERAuguste Emilie WEIDAUER  Marriage: 11 APR 1875, Lößnitz, Sachsen

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Ernst Friedrich FICKER

Descendants of Ernst Friedrich FICKER

1 Ernst Friedrich FICKEREmma Auguste WENDOHR  Marriage: 4 FEB 1866, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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