Descendants of Martin HERMANN


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Ancestors of Michael HERMANN

        /-Michael HERRMANN
        |                   /-Paul HÄUßLER
        |         /-Andreas HÄUßLER
        |         |         \-Dorothea ENGELHARDT
        \-Maria HÄUßLER
                  |                   /-Michel DIPMAR
                  |         /-Andreas DIPPMANN
                  |         |         \-Katharina NN
                  \-Maria DIPMANN
                            \-Anna BACHMANN

Descendants of Michael HERMANN

1 Michael HERMANNMaria Rosina BOCHMANN  Marriage: 23 OCT 1725, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Gottlieb HERRMANNJohanna Sophia KELLER  Marriage: 2 NOV 1751, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Johanna Christiana HERRMANNJohann Gottlieb WETZEL  Marriage: 24 OCT 1779, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Johann Traugott WETZEL
                  4 Christiana Friederika WETZEL
            3 Christian Friedrich HERRMANNChristiana Dorothea KEMPFFE  Marriage: 8 JAN 1789, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
              ∞ Christiana Sophia FISCHER  Marriage: 15 FEB 1795, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Johanna Rosina HERMANNJohann Gottlob BREITFELD  Marriage: 30 OCT 1781, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Johanna Sophia HERRMANNChristoph Friedrich SCHÖFFLER  Marriage: 13 NOV 1787, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Maria Rosina HERRMANNGottlieb KEMPFFE  Marriage: 29 APR 1756, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen

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Descendants of Michel HERMANN

1 Michel HERMANNAnna KLEMM  Marriage: BEF 1677
      2 Eva HERMANNHans Jerg WEINSCHENCK  Marriage: 10 OCT 1702, Winterbach, Schorndorf, Württemberg
            3 Christina WEINSCHENKJohann Adam NACHTRIEB  Marriage: 27 JUL 1728, Hebsack, Remshalden
                  4 Gottfried NACHTRIEBAnna Maria HEUBACH  Marriage: 23 JUN 1767, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg
                    ∞ Dorothee Catharine WILHELM  Marriage: 18 FEB 1772, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg
                        5 Catharina Dorothea NACHTRIEBJohann Jacob HUND  Marriage: 12 FEB 1809, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg
                        5 Johann Friedrich NACHTRIEBEva Rosina KIESER  Marriage: 20 AUG 1799, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg
                        5 Christian Gottfried NACHTRIEBAnna Maria WILHELM  Marriage: 7 FEB 1810, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg
                        5 Johann Georg NACHTRIEBChristina HUND  Marriage: 12 FEB 1809, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg
                              6 Johann Jacob NACHTRIEBAnna Maria HEUBACH  Marriage: 19 NOV 1815, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg
                              6 Johann Georg NACHTRIEBRegina LANG  Marriage: 6 FEB 1853, Ruit (Fildern), Esslingen
                              6 Johann Adam NACHTRIEB
                              6 Maria Catharina NACHTRIEB
                              6 Christiane NACHTRIEBJohann Georg WAGNER  Marriage: 25 NOV 1855, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg
                                    7 Dorothea Friederike WAGNERWilhelm Friedrich KAMM  Marriage: 6 NOV 1877, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg
                                    7 Johann Georg WAGNERFriederike HEUBACH  Marriage: 21 JUN 1883, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg
                                    7 Elisabeth Christiane WAGNERJohann Jakob DILGER  Marriage: 17 NOV 1885, Esslingen (Neckar), Würtemberg
                                    7 Jacob Friedrich WAGNERWilhelmine Pauline BUBECK  Marriage: 17 NOV 1891, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg
                              6 Friederica NACHTRIEB
            3 Eva WEINSCHENCKJohann Jacob HASERT  Marriage: 27 JUL 1734, Winterbach, Schorndorf, Württemberg
            3 Matthaeus WEINSCHENCKSophia Barbara LEDERER

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Descendants of NN HERMANN


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Descendants of Pauline HERMANN

1 Pauline HERMANNOtto Reinhardt WALTHER  Marriage: 23 AUG 1874, Treuditz, Kurpreußen

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Polyxena Katharina Philippine HERMANN

Ancestors of Polyxena Katharina Philippine HERMANN

                  /-Johannes Nikolaus HERMANN
        /-Friedrich Wilhelm HERMANN
        |         \-Anna Magdalene NN
Polyxena Katharina Philippine HERMANN
        |                                                 /-Jakob REUSS
        |                                       /-Anastasius REUSS
        |                                       |         \-Eulalia NN
        |                             /-Johann Jakob REUß
        |                             |         |         /-Stoffel STOCKHEIM
        |                             |         \-Anna STOCKHEIM
        |                   /-Johann Jakob REUß
        |                   |         \-Marie NN
        |         /-Johann Jakob REUß
        |         |         |                             /-Balthasar SPENGLER
        |         |         |                   /-Philipp SPENGLER
        |         |         |                   |         \-Katharina WOLFF
        |         |         |         /-Johann Wilhelm SPENGLER
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Johann CLOTZ
        |         |         |         |         \-Katharina CLOTZ
        |         |         \-Anna Maria SPENGLER
        |         |                   |         /-Johann KÜCHENMEISTER
        |         |                   \-Katharine KÜCHENMEISTER
        \-Anna Marie Magdalene REUß
                  |                   /-Pankratius VOGEL
                  |         /-Johann Christoph VOGEL
                  \-Katharina VOGEL
                            \-Regina NN

Descendants of Polyxena Katharina Philippine HERMANN

1 Polyxena Katharina Philippine HERMANNJohann Conrad Gottlieb PAULI  Marriage: 26 JAN 1751, Darmstadt
      2 Friederike Wilhelmine Katharine PAULIEberhard KOCH  Marriage: ABT 1773
            3 Christiane Luise KOCHGeorg Friedrich LUCIUS  Marriage: 24 SEP 1811, Nierstein
                  4 Ferdinand Victor LUCIUSAuguste Henriette Luise GENTH  Marriage: 18 APR 1843, Jugenheim
                        5 Johanna LUCIUSFriedrich ANTHES  Marriage: 1 OCT 1867
                              6 Marie ANTHESBruno BERNARD  Marriage: 19 JUL 1892
                              6 Ferdinand ANTHESMarie SCHACHT  Marriage: 7 OCT 1899
                        5 Ferdinand LUCIUS
                        5 Constantin LUCIUS
                        5 Marie LUCIUS
                        5 Hermann LUCIUSElizabeth ROSENBERRY  Marriage: 30 SEP 1889
                              6 Eugene Constantin Ferdinand LUCIUS
                              6 Myrtle Maria LUCIUS
                              6 Sarah Irene LUCIUS
                              6 Paul A. LUCIUSMary HERRON  Marriage: 21 JAN 1927
                              6 Earl A. LUCIUSEdnah C. CLELLAND  Marriage: 25 OCT 1928
                        5 Paul LUCIUSAmelie WERRY  Marriage: 26 MAR 1878
                              6 Elly LUCIUSKarl WEISER  Marriage: 12 OCT 1909
                        5 Martha LUCIUSFriedrich HOLZACH  Marriage: 4 SEP 1877
                              6 Ferdinand HOLZACHAnna Elise HUBER  Marriage: 27 SEP 1909
                              6 Paul HOLZACH
                              6 Fritz HOLZACHHelene THOMMEN  Marriage: 29 NOV 1916
                              6 Else HOLZACH
                        5 Albert LUCIUSAuguste RAUSCHE  Marriage: 10 JUL 1890
                              6 Martha LUCIUS
                              6 Albert LUCIUSElisabeth GRAWITZ  Marriage: 4 AUG 1921
                                ∞ Gertrude OETZEL  Marriage: 21 DEC 1950
                  4 Ernst Eduard LUCIUSLuise ENGELMANN  Marriage: 20 APR 1843, Jugenheim
                        5 Eugenie LUCIUS
                        5 Richard LUCIUSAmelie MÜLLER  Marriage: 22 FEB 1876, Münzenberg
                              6 Luise LUCIUS
                              6 Laura LUCIUSHermann HILLEFELD  Marriage: 5 MAY 1904, Usenborn
                              6 Gertrud LUCIUSHermann KNODT  Marriage: 1 NOV 1906, Usenborn
                              6 Christian LUCIUS
                              6 Alfred LUCIUS
                              6 Elisabeth LUCIUSHans ZWINGENBERGER  Marriage: 18 MAY 1910
                              6 Eduard LUCIUSHanna REINHARD  Marriage: 20 APR 1915, Usenborn
                              6 Adalbert LUCIUSErna HABERBECKER  Marriage: 10 AUG 1916, Usenborn
                              6 Richard LUCIUS
                              6 Werner LUCIUSCaroline SCHARFENBERG  Marriage: 20 OCT 1923
                        5 Alfred Adolf Ernst Georg Ludwig LUCIUSIda VON SCHIMMELMANN  Marriage: 14 JUN 1877
                              6 Maria Therese Friederike LUCIUSHermann Otto Friedrich WEBER  Marriage: 7 DEC 1905
                                    7 Siegfried WEBERHildegard BOEDER  Marriage: 2 AUG 1935
                                    7 Johanna WEBERHeinz Jürgen EGGERS  Marriage: 2 DEC 1940, Schwerin
                                    7 Ingeborg WEBER
                              6 Johannes LUCIUSAnna KRÄMER  Marriage: 30 AUG 1927
                              6 Walter LUCIUSMargarethe PAETOW  Marriage: 10 FEB 1915
                              6 Luise LUCIUSHermann Otto Friedrich WEBER  Marriage: 3 OCT 1911
                                    7 Maria WEBERDietrich Freiherr VON ROEDER-DIERSBURG  Marriage: 4 AUG 1945
                                    7 Ernst WEBER
                              6 Clara LUCIUSHans MEHLHASE  Marriage: 2 OCT 1909
                              6 Martin LUCIUSElisabeth STRUVE  Marriage: 17 OCT 1918, Streitberg
                              6 Clothilde LUCIUS
                              6 Paul LUCIUS
                              6 Dorothea LUCIUSErnst BURGWEDEL  Marriage: 10 APR 1918
                        5 Laura LUCIUSFranz WITZEL  Marriage: 11 APR 1872
                              6 Georg WITZEL
                        5 Arthur LUCIUSSophie SIPPEL  Marriage: 5 JAN 1888
                              6 Eduard LUCIUS
                        5 Julius LUCIUSMarie KISSNER  Marriage: 11 OCT 1888, Echzell
                              6 Emma LUCIUSGottfried GERHOLD  Marriage: 11 OCT 1923
                              6 Georg Friedrich LUCIUS
                              6 Mariane LUCIUSHermann MUMM  Marriage: 26 JUL 1917
                              6 Eberhard LUCIUSMarianne BUß  Marriage: 26 JUL 1924
                              6 Hanna LUCIUSErnst TIMM  Marriage: 19 FEB 1927, Villa Ángela, Provinz Chaco, Argentinien
                              6 Dietrich LUCIUSErika FRANCKE
                              6 Christiane LUCIUSHans FREIENSEHNER  Marriage: 25 APR 1936, Echzell
                              6 Andreas LUCIUS
                        5 Adele LUCIUSKarl Christoph HEBART  Marriage: 21 SEP 1876, Münzenberg
                              6 Eugenie HEBART
                              6 Laura HEBART
                              6 Rosa HEBART
                              6 Ludwig HEBART
                              6 Martin HEBARTElisabeth ANDRESEN  Marriage: 4 JAN 1923
                                ∞ Maria ANDRESEN  Marriage: 3 SEP 1925
                              6 Constantin HEBART
                              6 Georg HEBART
                        5 Edgar LUCIUS
                        5 Clothilde LUCIUSEmma Eleonore BRÜCKNER  Marriage: 17 APR 1879, Schnepfenthal
                        5 Ferdinand LUCIUSMathilde MARBURG  Marriage: 5 AUG 1908, Michelstadt
                              6 Robert LUCIUSLisbeth WEYH  Marriage: 20 DEC 1941
                              6 Gerhard LUCIUSRosel KASPEIZER  Marriage: 30 MAR 1937
                              6 Reinhold LUCIUSMarie EBERHARDT  Marriage: 22 MAY 1934
                              6 Joachim LUCIUSRenate FÖRSTERUta SAMWER
                              6 Rosemarie LUCIUSGünther LIEDTKE
                        5 Ruth LUCIUS
                  4 Ernst LUCIUSAgathe JÄGER  Marriage: 17 MAY 1848, Schlitz (Oberhessen)
                        5 Friedrich LUCIUSElisabeth Marie LUTHARDT  Marriage: 17 APR 1879
                              6 Ernst Richard Friedrich LUCIUS
                        5 Victor LUCIUS
                        5 Luise LUCIUSHeinrich FREIENSEHNER  Marriage: 4 SEP 1873
                              6 Ernst FREIENSEHNERAnni DORNSEIF  Marriage: 17 MAY 1905
                                    7 Hans FREIENSEHNERChristiane LUCIUS  Marriage: 25 APR 1936, Echzell
                              6 Marie-Luise FREIENSEHNERJulius SCHÖNEWOLF  Marriage: 27 JUN 1907
                        5 Eduard LUCIUSLuise GÖRING  Marriage: 11 SEP 1878
                              6 Agathe LUCIUS
                              6 Eduard Ernst LUCIUSLuise ROESENER  Marriage: 29 JUN 1911
                              6 Elisabeth LUCIUSWilhelm SCHÄFER  Marriage: 30 JUN 1903
                              6 Hedwig LUCIUSKarl GREIN  Marriage: 24 MAY 1910
                              6 Amalie LUCIUSFriedrich MÜLLER  Marriage: 25 SEP 1914
                              6 Johanna LUCIUSKarl KNAB  Marriage: 16 JUN 1908
                              6 Lili LUCIUSLudwig GREIN  Marriage: 8 MAR 1913
                              6 Ottmar LUCIUSHansi MEYER  Marriage: 3 MAY 1924
                        5 Auguste LUCIUSRichard LUTHARDT  Marriage: 26 SEP 1878
                              6 Marie LUTHARDTRudolf SCHAAF  Marriage: 10 AUG 1905
                              6 Ernst LUTHARDTHelene SCHMIDT  Marriage: 17 JUN 1908
                              6 Friedrich LUTHARDTMartha WAGNER  Marriage: 6 OCT 1910
                              6 Auguste LUTHARDT
                              6 Wilhelm LUTHARDTHildegard LÜCKER  Marriage: 24 APR 1919
                              6 Paula LUTHARDT
                              6 Felix LUTHARDT
                              6 Elisabeth LUTHARDT
                        5 Caroline LUCIUSHeinrich HUNZINGER  Marriage: 28 SEP 1897
                              6 Martha HUNZINGERAdolf RHEINFURTH  Marriage: 4 AUG 1924
                        5 Amalie LUCIUSJulius GÖRING  Marriage: 25 MAY 1886, Mainz
                        5 Heinrich LUCIUSMargarethe MEYER  Marriage: 28 DEC 1904
                              6 Ernst LUCIUS
                              6 Karoline LUCIUS
                        5 Johanna LUCIUSGustav KOCH  Marriage: 21 APR 1892, Jugenheim
                              6 Johannes KOCH
                              6 Friedrich KOCHGertrud KLEBERGER  Marriage: 3 JAN 1921
                              6 Heinrich KOCH
                              6 Agathe KOCH
                              6 Luise KOCHOtto Christoph ONNEKEN  Marriage: 2 MAY 1922, Vielbrunn/Odenwald
                                ∞ Erhard WEITZEL  Marriage: FEB 1955
                              6 Wilhelm KOCHHildegard MEERWEIN  Marriage: 24 MAY 1925
                              6 Johanna KOCH
                              6 Mathilde KOCHOtto ADAM  Marriage: 24 JAN 1916
                  4 Eugen Carl Philipp LUCIUS
                  4 Fanny LUCIUSHeinrich Julius ANTHES  Marriage: 27 DEC 1853, Jugenheim
                        5 Eduard ANTHES
                        5 Clothilde ANTHESOtto Wilhelm KOCH  Marriage: 4 OCT 1904, Fränkisch-Crmbach, Odenwald
                        5 Luise ANTHES
                        5 Ferdinand ANTHESAlice BLATTMANN  Marriage: 4 JUL 1899
                              6 Walther ANTHESKaroline ZILCH  Marriage: 18 JUN 1927
                              6 Reinhard ANTHESLiselotte THÖNE  Marriage: 17 APR 1937
                                ∞ Johanna HAFERKAMP
                        5 Amalie ANTHESOtto Wilhelm KOCH  Marriage: 26 NOV 1895, Brensbach Odw.
                              6 Eduard KOCHGertrud HAIGIS  Marriage: 10 AUG 1926
                              6 Marie Luise KOCHFriedrich Wilhelm CLOTZ  Marriage: 9 SEP 1926

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Hugo Gustav Adolf Oskar HERMS

Descendants of Hugo Gustav Adolf Oskar HERMS

1 Hugo Gustav Adolf Oskar HERMSFrida Marie WALTHER  Marriage: 4 MAR 1911, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Marie Sophie HERMSDORF

Descendants of Marie Sophie HERMSDORF

1 Marie Sophie HERMSDORFJohann Gottlob ZSCHAGE  Marriage: 8 FEB 1807, Hohenkirchen
      2 Johanne Sophie ZSCHAGECarl Friedrich Christian BONITZ  Marriage: 1 NOV 1835, Hohenkirchen
            3 Friedrich Louis BONITZEmilie Agnes LINDNER  Marriage: 29 APR 1866, Burgstädt, Sachsen
                  4 Emil Rudolf BONITZOttilie Liddy REICHBOTT  Marriage: 21 MAY 1894
                        5 Herbert BONITZ
                  4 Oskar Louis BONITZMartha Emma Johanna KUNTZE  Marriage: 23 SEP 1895
                        5 Herta BONITZ
                  4 Paul Otto BONITZMarie Else Luise PRITZLAFF  Marriage: 29 JUL 1912, Berlin Wilmersdorf
                  4 Olga Emilie BONITZKarl Max OTTO
                  4 Ottilie Agnes BONITZRichard Alexander GRIMM  Marriage: 21 APR 1898
                  4 Max Georg BONITZ
                  4 Martha Luise BONITZ

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Anna Amalie HEROLD

Descendants of Anna Amalie HEROLD

1 Anna Amalie HEROLDFriedrich August WETZEL
      2 Lina Auguste WETZELFriedrich August LEISTNER  Marriage: 9 FEB 1878, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Carl August HEROLD

Ancestors of Carl August HEROLD

        /-Christian Gottlieb HEROLD
Carl August HEROLD
        \-Christiane Charlotte PETZOLD

Descendants of Carl August HEROLD

1 Carl August HEROLDJohanna Christiana DIETRICH  Marriage: 19 OCT 1845, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Linna Marie HEROLD
      2 Ida Auguste HEROLD
      2 Clara Auguste HEROLD

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Caroline Wilhelmine HEROLD

Ancestors of Caroline Wilhelmine HEROLD

        /-Christian Gottlieb HEROLD
Caroline Wilhelmine HEROLD
        \-Christiane Charlotte PETZOLD

Descendants of Caroline Wilhelmine HEROLD

1 Caroline Wilhelmine HEROLDFriedrich August BEUTNER  Marriage: 7 JUL 1850, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christian Friedrich HEROLD

Ancestors of Christian Friedrich HEROLD

                  /-Gottfried HEROLD
        /-Samuel Friedrich HEROLD
        |         \-Maria Rosina SONNTAG
Christian Friedrich HEROLD
        |                   /-Andreas DRECHSLER
        |         /-Johann Christoph DRECHSLER
        |         |         \-Justina RIEDEL
        \-Maria Rosina DRECHSLER
                  |                                       /-Andreas BONITZ
                  |                             /-Christoph BONITZ
                  |                             |         \-Rosina UHLIG
                  |                   /-Georg BONITZ
                  |                   |         \-Maria VETTERMANN
                  |         /-Samuel BONITZ
                  |         |         |         /-Nicol BERGER
                  |         |         \-Regina BERGER
                  |         |                   \-Maria NN
                  \-Maria Rosina BONITZ
                            |         /-Christoph LASCH
                            \-Anna Regina LASCH
                                      \-Maria UHLIG

Descendants of Christian Friedrich HEROLD

1 Christian Friedrich HEROLDChristiana Beata BONITZ  Marriage: 16 JUN 1835, Harthau, Chemnitz, Sachsen
      2 Henriette Emilie HEROLDCarl Adolf KUPFER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1864, Harthau, Chemnitz, Sachsen
            3 Paul Oscar KUPFERHelene Margarethe BERGER  Marriage: 30 NOV 1903, Chemnitz, Sachsen

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Christian Gottlieb HEROLD

Descendants of Christian Gottlieb HEROLD

1 Christian Gottlieb HEROLDChristiane Charlotte PETZOLD  Marriage: 1823
      2 Caroline Wilhelmine HEROLDFriedrich August BEUTNER  Marriage: 7 JUL 1850, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Carl August HEROLDJohanna Christiana DIETRICH  Marriage: 19 OCT 1845, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Linna Marie HEROLD
            3 Ida Auguste HEROLD
            3 Clara Auguste HEROLD
      2 Julius Gustav HEROLD
      2 Julius Otto HEROLD

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Christiana Caroline HEROLD

Ancestors of Christiana Caroline HEROLD

                  /-Gottfried HEROLD
        /-Samuel Friedrich HEROLD
        |         \-Maria Rosina SONNTAG
Christiana Caroline HEROLD
        |                   /-Andreas DRECHSLER
        |         /-Johann Christoph DRECHSLER
        |         |         \-Justina RIEDEL
        \-Maria Rosina DRECHSLER
                  |                                       /-Andreas BONITZ
                  |                             /-Christoph BONITZ
                  |                             |         \-Rosina UHLIG
                  |                   /-Georg BONITZ
                  |                   |         \-Maria VETTERMANN
                  |         /-Samuel BONITZ
                  |         |         |         /-Nicol BERGER
                  |         |         \-Regina BERGER
                  |         |                   \-Maria NN
                  \-Maria Rosina BONITZ
                            |         /-Christoph LASCH
                            \-Anna Regina LASCH
                                      \-Maria UHLIG

Descendants of Christiana Caroline HEROLD

1 Christiana Caroline HEROLDChristian Friedrich PETER

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Clara Auguste HEROLD

Ancestors of Clara Auguste HEROLD

                  /-Christian Gottlieb HEROLD
        /-Carl August HEROLD
        |         \-Christiane Charlotte PETZOLD
Clara Auguste HEROLD
        |                             /-Johann Georg DIETTRICH
        |                   /-Johann Georg DIETRICH
        |                   |         |                   /-Israel GÖTHEL
        |                   |         |         /-Israel GÖTHEL
        |                   |         |         |         \-Esther SIEBER
        |                   |         \-Johanna Sophia GÖTHEL
        |                   |                   |         /-Gabriel GRABNER
        |                   |                   \-Maria GRABNER
        |                   |                             \-Dorothea KUNTZ
        |         /-Johann Georg Friedrich DIETRICH
        |         |         \-Christiana Friederika BAYER
        \-Johanna Christiana DIETRICH
                  |                   /-Christian Gottlieb LORENTZ
                  |         /-Gottfried Heinrich LORENTZ
                  |         |         |                   /-Gottfried ULLRICH
                  |         |         |         /-Gottfried Michael ULRICH
                  |         |         |         |         \-Anna Sybilla CRELL
                  |         |         \-Sibylla Caritas ULRICH
                  |         |                   |         /-Christoph KÖHLER
                  |         |                   \-Maria Magdalena KÖHLER
                  |         |                             \-Caritas VIEHWEGER
                  \-Christiana Wilhelmina LORENZ
                            |                             /-Peter BONITZ
                            |                   /-Tobias BONITZ
                            |                   |         \-Justina SCHEIBNER
                            |         /-Emanuel BONITZ
                            |         |         |         /-David REIMANN
                            |         |         \-Maria Sibylla BACH
                            |         |                   \-Maria WEBER
                            \-Maria Sophia BONITZ
                                      |         /-George Erhard MÜNTZ
                                      \-Anna Barbara MÜNTZ

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Ernst Arthur HEROLD

Descendants of Ernst Arthur HEROLD

1 Ernst Arthur HEROLDRosa Marie BEIER  Marriage: 31 MAR 1917, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Max Ernst HEROLD

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Gottfried HEROLD

Descendants of Gottfried HEROLD

1 Gottfried HEROLDMaria Rosina SONNTAG  Marriage: 9 NOV 1773, Oberlungwitz, Zwickau, Sachsen
      2 Samuel Friedrich HEROLDMaria Rosina DRECHSLER
            3 Karl August HEROLD
            3 Christian Friedrich HEROLDChristiana Beata BONITZ  Marriage: 16 JUN 1835, Harthau, Chemnitz, Sachsen
                  4 Henriette Emilie HEROLDCarl Adolf KUPFER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1864, Harthau, Chemnitz, Sachsen
                        5 Paul Oscar KUPFERHelene Margarethe BERGER  Marriage: 30 NOV 1903, Chemnitz, Sachsen
            3 Christiana Caroline HEROLDChristian Friedrich PETER

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Henriette Emilie HEROLD

Ancestors of Henriette Emilie HEROLD

                            /-Gottfried HEROLD
                  /-Samuel Friedrich HEROLD
                  |         \-Maria Rosina SONNTAG
        /-Christian Friedrich HEROLD
        |         |                   /-Andreas DRECHSLER
        |         |         /-Johann Christoph DRECHSLER
        |         |         |         \-Justina RIEDEL
        |         \-Maria Rosina DRECHSLER
        |                   |                             /-Christoph BONITZ
        |                   |                   /-Georg BONITZ
        |                   |                   |         \-Maria VETTERMANN
        |                   |         /-Samuel BONITZ
        |                   |         |         |         /-Nicol BERGER
        |                   |         |         \-Regina BERGER
        |                   |         |                   \-Maria NN
        |                   \-Maria Rosina BONITZ
        |                             |         /-Christoph LASCH
        |                             \-Anna Regina LASCH
        |                                       \-Maria UHLIG
Henriette Emilie HEROLD
        |                                                 /-Christoph BONITZ
        |                                       /-Georg BONITZ
        |                                       |         \-Maria VETTERMANN
        |                             /-Christoph BONITZ
        |                             |         |         /-Nicol BERGER
        |                             |         \-Regina BERGER
        |                             |                   \-Maria NN
        |                   /-Johann Gottlieb BONITZ
        |                   |         |         /-Christoph TAETZNER
        |                   |         \-Anna Maria TAETZNER
        |                   |                   \-Regina NN
        |         /-Johann Gottlieb BONITZ
        |         |         |         /-Johann MÜLLER
        |         |         \-Maria Elisabeth MÜLLER
        |         |                   \-Anna Rosina UHLE
        \-Christiana Beata BONITZ
                  |         /-Johann Samuel BISCHMANN
                  \-Hanna Christiana BISCHMANN
                            \-Christiana KÖLBEL

Descendants of Henriette Emilie HEROLD

1 Henriette Emilie HEROLDCarl Adolf KUPFER  Marriage: 19 JUN 1864, Harthau, Chemnitz, Sachsen
      2 Paul Oscar KUPFERHelene Margarethe BERGER  Marriage: 30 NOV 1903, Chemnitz, Sachsen

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Ida Auguste HEROLD

Descendants of Ida Auguste HEROLD

1 Ida Auguste HEROLDMaximilian BAUER  Marriage: 20 APR 1890, Hormersdorf, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Ida Auguste HEROLD

Ancestors of Ida Auguste HEROLD

                  /-Christian Gottlieb HEROLD
        /-Carl August HEROLD
        |         \-Christiane Charlotte PETZOLD
Ida Auguste HEROLD
        |                             /-Johann Georg DIETTRICH
        |                   /-Johann Georg DIETRICH
        |                   |         |                   /-Israel GÖTHEL
        |                   |         |         /-Israel GÖTHEL
        |                   |         |         |         \-Esther SIEBER
        |                   |         \-Johanna Sophia GÖTHEL
        |                   |                   |         /-Gabriel GRABNER
        |                   |                   \-Maria GRABNER
        |                   |                             \-Dorothea KUNTZ
        |         /-Johann Georg Friedrich DIETRICH
        |         |         \-Christiana Friederika BAYER
        \-Johanna Christiana DIETRICH
                  |                   /-Christian Gottlieb LORENTZ
                  |         /-Gottfried Heinrich LORENTZ
                  |         |         |                   /-Gottfried ULLRICH
                  |         |         |         /-Gottfried Michael ULRICH
                  |         |         |         |         \-Anna Sybilla CRELL
                  |         |         \-Sibylla Caritas ULRICH
                  |         |                   |         /-Christoph KÖHLER
                  |         |                   \-Maria Magdalena KÖHLER
                  |         |                             \-Caritas VIEHWEGER
                  \-Christiana Wilhelmina LORENZ
                            |                             /-Peter BONITZ
                            |                   /-Tobias BONITZ
                            |                   |         \-Justina SCHEIBNER
                            |         /-Emanuel BONITZ
                            |         |         |         /-David REIMANN
                            |         |         \-Maria Sibylla BACH
                            |         |                   \-Maria WEBER
                            \-Maria Sophia BONITZ
                                      |         /-George Erhard MÜNTZ
                                      \-Anna Barbara MÜNTZ

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Ingeburg HEROLD

Descendants of Ingeburg HEROLD

1 Ingeburg HEROLDRudi BONITZ
      2 Rainer BONITZInge ORGEL
            3 Karin BONITZTino SEIDLER
            3 Sabine BONITZMichael HAAG
                  4 Lisa Sophie HAAG
            3 Petra BONITZAndre BISCHOF
      2 Kurt BONITZSigrid MÖLLER
            3 Franziska BONITZ
            3 Jasmin BONITZNN THIELECKE
      2 Andreas BONITZElke LEITERITZ
            3 Robert BONITZKatja ANKE
                  4 Luna Jane BONITZ
                  4 Sunny Lina BONITZ
            3 Martin BONITZ
      2 Ramona BONITZFrank KNÖFLER
            3 David KNÖFLER
            3 Thomas KNÖFLER
            3 Steffen KNÖFLER

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For further information email: Jochen Bonitz []


Descendants of Johann HEROLD

1 Johann HEROLDRebecca AUERSWALD  Marriage: 7 OCT 1695, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Johanna Rosina HEROLD

Descendants of Johanna Rosina HEROLD

1 Johanna Rosina HEROLDCarl Friedrich WETZEL  Marriage: 1782, Stollberg, Sachsen

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Julius Gustav HEROLD

Ancestors of Julius Gustav HEROLD

        /-Christian Gottlieb HEROLD
Julius Gustav HEROLD
        \-Christiane Charlotte PETZOLD

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For further information email: Jochen Bonitz []

Julius Otto HEROLD

Ancestors of Julius Otto HEROLD

        /-Christian Gottlieb HEROLD
Julius Otto HEROLD
        \-Christiane Charlotte PETZOLD

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For further information email: Jochen Bonitz []