Georg Heinrich MENGER

Descendants of Georg Heinrich MENGER

1 Georg Heinrich MENGERMaria Margareta HUBLITZ  Marriage: 5 JAN 1796

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Descendants of Else MENGOZ

      2 Clas VON BIRGELGuda KOMMEL
            3 Greda VON BIRGELJohannes REUTLINGER  Marriage: 1452
                  4 Guda REUTLINGERUlrich VON EPPSTEIN  Marriage: 1475, Frankfurt / Main
                        5 Elisabeth VON EPPSTEIN
                  4 Margarethe BEHEIMERGeorg ZIECHLEIN  Marriage: 1479, Frankfurt / Main
                        5 NN ZIECHLEKatharine NN
                              6 Amalie ZICHLINPeter ORTH  Marriage: 30 JAN 1543, Frankfurt / Main
                                    7 Margaretha ORTHCornelius BRAUN  Marriage: 26 NOV 1565
                                    7 Ulrich ORTH
                                    7 Lucretia ORTHValentin STOSS
                                    7 Peter ORTHBarbara HUBER
                                    7 Catharina ORTH

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Maria Sophia MENT

Descendants of Maria Sophia MENT

1 Maria Sophia MENTChristoph GÖTHEL  Marriage: 3 JUN 1716, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Eva Caritas GÖTHELJohann Gottfried OPPEL  Marriage: 1739, Schneeberg, Sachsen
      2 Christoph Heinrich GÖTHEL

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Anna Christina MENTSCHEL

Descendants of Anna Christina MENTSCHEL

1 Anna Christina MENTSCHELIsrael SIEGERT  Marriage: 20 JUN 1719, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Christiana Sophia SIEGERTJohann Adam HILLE  Marriage: 9 APR 1747, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Christiana Charlotta HILLE
      2 Johanna Friderica SIEGERTGottlieb STOCK  Marriage: 28 NOV 1747, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Elisabeth Auguste MENZEL

Ancestors of Elisabeth Auguste MENZEL

        /-Karl Gustav Paul MENZEL
Elisabeth Auguste MENZEL
        \-Margarete Veronica MEDEM

Descendants of Elisabeth Auguste MENZEL

1 Elisabeth Auguste MENZELKurt Ernst Eberhard BONITZ  Marriage: 1942, Leipzig
      2 Laurentius BONITZFranziska HIRZEL
            3 Josephine BONITZ
      2 Benedikta BONITZWalter STEFFENS
            3 Rona STEFFENS
            3 Sara STEFFENS
      2 Raphael BONITZNN VOGEL
            3 Björn VOGELShauna NEWMAN  Marriage: FEB 2008
      2 Matthias BONITZFelicitas VOß
            3 Masetto BONITZ
            3 Roman BONITZ
      2 Angelika SIEMS-BONITZHolger SIEMS
            3 Hedda SIEMS
            3 Heide SIEMS
      2 Michael BONITZ
      2 Maria Veronica Elisabeth BONITZNN GERHARDT

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Friedrich Gotthelf MENZEL

Descendants of Friedrich Gotthelf MENZEL

1 Friedrich Gotthelf MENZELAnna Ernstine RÜGER  Marriage: 2 JUN 1873, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Karl Gustav Paul MENZEL

Descendants of Karl Gustav Paul MENZEL

1 Karl Gustav Paul MENZELMargarete Veronica MEDEM  Marriage: 5 JUN 1907, Bahrendorf
      2 Elisabeth Auguste MENZELKurt Ernst Eberhard BONITZ  Marriage: 1942, Leipzig
            3 Laurentius BONITZFranziska HIRZEL
                  4 Josephine BONITZ
            3 Benedikta BONITZWalter STEFFENS
                  4 Rona STEFFENS
                  4 Sara STEFFENS
            3 Raphael BONITZNN VOGEL
                  4 Björn VOGELShauna NEWMAN  Marriage: FEB 2008
            3 Matthias BONITZFelicitas VOß
                  4 Masetto BONITZ
                  4 Roman BONITZ
            3 Angelika SIEMS-BONITZHolger SIEMS
                  4 Hedda SIEMS
                  4 Heide SIEMS
            3 Michael BONITZ
            3 Maria Veronica Elisabeth BONITZNN GERHARDT

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Christian Andreas MERCKEL

Descendants of Christian Andreas MERCKEL

1 Christian Andreas MERCKELMaria Rosina SCHUBERT
      2 Johann Carl MERCKELJohanna Rosina HÖFER  Marriage: 27 JAN 1771, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Friedrich August MERKELSophie Dorothee Elisabeth MEISCHNER  Marriage: 14 MAY 1797, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 August Friedrich MERKELJohanne Sophie ARNHOLD
                        5 Friedrich Gustav MERKELAuguste Wilhelmine OPITZ  Marriage: 20 MAY 1861, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                              6 Oskar Paul MERKELJohanne Sophie OESER  Marriage: 20 APR 1845, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                        5 Friedrich Hermann MERKELChristiane Caroline GÜNTHER  Marriage: 16 MAY 1864, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                        5 Anna Mariane MERKELHeinrich Wilhelm BONITZ  Marriage: 13 OCT 1867, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                              6 Minna Marie BONITZKarl Paul MEIßNER  Marriage: 13 MAY 1894, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                                    7 Ella Marie MEISSNER
                              6 Linda Olga BONITZ
                        5 Friedrich Gustav MERKELErnstine Wilhelmine MÜLLER  Marriage: 18 OCT 1874, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Christian Fürchtegott MERKELJohanna Christliebe WETZEL  Marriage: 29 JUL 1810, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Christian Andreas MERCKEL

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Christian Andreas MERCKEL

Ancestors of Christian Andreas MERCKEL

        /-Christian Andreas MERCKEL
Christian Andreas MERCKEL
        \-Maria Rosina SCHUBERT

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Johann Carl MERCKEL

Ancestors of Johann Carl MERCKEL

        /-Christian Andreas MERCKEL
Johann Carl MERCKEL
        \-Maria Rosina SCHUBERT

Descendants of Johann Carl MERCKEL

1 Johann Carl MERCKELJohanna Rosina HÖFER  Marriage: 27 JAN 1771, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Friedrich August MERKELSophie Dorothee Elisabeth MEISCHNER  Marriage: 14 MAY 1797, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen
            3 August Friedrich MERKELJohanne Sophie ARNHOLD
                  4 Friedrich Gustav MERKELAuguste Wilhelmine OPITZ  Marriage: 20 MAY 1861, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                        5 Oskar Paul MERKELJohanne Sophie OESER  Marriage: 20 APR 1845, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Friedrich Hermann MERKELChristiane Caroline GÜNTHER  Marriage: 16 MAY 1864, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Anna Mariane MERKELHeinrich Wilhelm BONITZ  Marriage: 13 OCT 1867, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                        5 Minna Marie BONITZKarl Paul MEIßNER  Marriage: 13 MAY 1894, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                              6 Ella Marie MEISSNER
                        5 Linda Olga BONITZ
                  4 Friedrich Gustav MERKELErnstine Wilhelmine MÜLLER  Marriage: 18 OCT 1874, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Christian Fürchtegott MERKELJohanna Christliebe WETZEL  Marriage: 29 JUL 1810, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen

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Descendants of Andreas MERGENTHALER

1 Andreas MERGENTHALERMargaretha Catharina SCHNITZLEIN  Marriage: 1676, Weißenburg, Mittelfranken, Bayern

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Descendants of Anna MERGENTHALER

1 Anna MERGENTHALERMichel HEUBACH  Marriage: 24 JUN 1626, Strümpfelbach, Weinstadt, Württemberg

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Nikolaus Karl MERGNER

Descendants of Nikolaus Karl MERGNER

1 Nikolaus Karl MERGNERMinna Ernstine RICHTER  Marriage: 1872, Hof, Oberfranken, Bayern

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Margarethe MERITON

Descendants of Margarethe MERITON

1 Margarethe MERITONEdmund CRISP
      2 Susan Worsley CRISPMartin KRUMMACHER  Marriage: 11 JUL 1865, Siegen, Westfalen

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Adam Friedrich MERKEL

Descendants of Adam Friedrich MERKEL

1 Adam Friedrich MERKELChristiana Sophia ENGERT  Marriage: 25 NOV 1759, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Traugott Friedrich MERKELSophia Friederika MÜLLER  Marriage: 1789, Hartenstein b Zwickau
            3 Christiana Friederika MERKEL
            3 Johanna Christiana MERKELFriedrich Wilhelm WALTHER  Marriage: 5 FEB 1815, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Friedrich Wilhelm WALTHERJohanna Dorothea KRAUSE  Marriage: 29 APR 1849, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                        5 Caroline Theodore WALTHEREmil Oskar DREHER  Marriage: 9 FEB 1878, Zwönitz, Sachsen
        ∞ Johanna Christiana SIEGERT  Marriage: 14 OCT 1798, Zwönitz, Sachsen
        ∞ Johanne Sophie BARTH  Marriage: 16 OCT 1803, Lauter, Sachsen
            3 Friedrich August MERKELChristiana Friederika PFENNIG  Marriage: 26 SEP 1830, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Augustine Ernestine MERKELCarl August WEIGEL  Marriage: 28 JAN 1855, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Christiane Ernestine MERKELFriedrich Gustav OTTO  Marriage: 14 APR 1861, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Alma Marie MERKEL

Descendants of Alma Marie MERKEL

1 Alma Marie MERKELErnst Paul NEUKIRCHNER  Marriage: 28 MAY 1887, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Anna Mariane MERKEL

Ancestors of Anna Mariane MERKEL

                                      /-Christian Andreas MERCKEL
                            /-Johann Carl MERCKEL
                            |         \-Maria Rosina SCHUBERT
                  /-Friedrich August MERKEL
                  |         |                             /-Andreas HÖFER
                  |         |                   /-Johannes HÖFER
                  |         |                   |         \-Christina PONITZ
                  |         |         /-Johann Paul HÖFER
                  |         |         |         |         /-Georg HEIMPOLD
                  |         |         |         \-Justina HEIMPOLD
                  |         |         |                   \-Esther MÜLLER
                  |         \-Johanna Rosina HÖFER
                  |                   |                   /-Christoph DECKER
                  |                   |         /-Hans DECKER
                  |                   |         |         \-Dorothea GÜNTHER
                  |                   \-Anna Maria DECKER
                  |                             |         /-Christoph KÖHLER
                  |                             \-Anna Maria KÖHLER
                  |                                       \-Rosina MICHEL
        /-August Friedrich MERKEL
        |         \-Sophie Dorothee Elisabeth MEISCHNER
Anna Mariane MERKEL
        |                                                 /-George OESER
        |                                       /-Johann Georg OESER
        |                                       |         \-Anna Maria FRIEDRICH
        |                             /-Johann George OESER
        |                             |         |         /-Georg GÜNTHER
        |                             |         \-Maria GÜNTHER
        |                             |                   \-Anna MÜHLENDERLEIN
        |                   /-Johann Friedrich OESER
        |                   |         |                   /-Christian VOGEL
        |                   |         |         /-Emanuel VOGEL
        |                   |         |         |         \-Christine WEBER
        |                   |         \-Maria Rosina VOGEL
        |                   |                   |         /-Tobias BONITZ
        |                   |                   \-Regina BONITZ
        |                   |                             \-Dorothea SCHEIBNER
        |         /-Johann Friedrich OESER
        |         |         |                             /-Salomon BONITZ
        |         |         |                   /-Jacob BONITZ
        |         |         |                   |         \-Esther SCHMIDT
        |         |         |         /-Johann Friedrich BONITZ
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Andreas NÖTZEL
        |         |         |         |         \-Anna Catharina NÖTZEL
        |         |         |         |                   \-Rosina AIDNER
        |         |         \-Johanna Christiana BONITZ
        |         |                   |         /-Andreas SCHUSTER
        |         |                   \-Maria Rosina SCHUSTER
        \-Johanne Sophie OESER
                  \-Christiana Dorothea GEBHART

Descendants of Anna Mariane MERKEL

1 Anna Mariane MERKELHeinrich Wilhelm BONITZ  Marriage: 13 OCT 1867, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Minna Marie BONITZKarl Paul MEIßNER  Marriage: 13 MAY 1894, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Ella Marie MEISSNER
      2 Linda Olga BONITZ

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August Friedrich MERKEL

Ancestors of August Friedrich MERKEL

                            /-Christian Andreas MERCKEL
                  /-Johann Carl MERCKEL
                  |         \-Maria Rosina SCHUBERT
        /-Friedrich August MERKEL
        |         |                                       /-Hans HÖFER
        |         |                             /-Andreas HÖFER
        |         |                             |         \-Christina GÖTHEL
        |         |                   /-Johannes HÖFER
        |         |                   |         |         /-Georg (Görg) BONITZ
        |         |                   |         \-Christina PONITZ
        |         |                   |                   \-Catharina WETZEL
        |         |         /-Johann Paul HÖFER
        |         |         |         |                   /-Georg HEIMPEL
        |         |         |         |         /-Georg HEIMPOLD
        |         |         |         \-Justina HEIMPOLD
        |         |         |                   |         /-Abel MÜLLER
        |         |         |                   \-Esther MÜLLER
        |         \-Johanna Rosina HÖFER
        |                   |                             /-Hans DECKER
        |                   |                   /-Christoph DECKER
        |                   |                   |         \-Maria NN
        |                   |         /-Hans DECKER
        |                   |         |         \-Dorothea GÜNTHER
        |                   \-Anna Maria DECKER
        |                             |                   /-Zacharias KÖHLER
        |                             |         /-Christoph KÖHLER
        |                             |         |         \-Maria GÜNTHER
        |                             \-Anna Maria KÖHLER
        |                                       |         /-Hans MICHEL
        |                                       \-Rosina MICHEL
        |                                                 \-Magdalena DECKER
August Friedrich MERKEL
        \-Sophie Dorothee Elisabeth MEISCHNER

Descendants of August Friedrich MERKEL

1 August Friedrich MERKELJohanne Sophie ARNHOLD
      2 Friedrich Gustav MERKELAuguste Wilhelmine OPITZ  Marriage: 20 MAY 1861, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Oskar Paul MERKELJohanne Sophie OESER  Marriage: 20 APR 1845, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Friedrich Hermann MERKELChristiane Caroline GÜNTHER  Marriage: 16 MAY 1864, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Anna Mariane MERKELHeinrich Wilhelm BONITZ  Marriage: 13 OCT 1867, Zwönitz, Sachsen
            3 Minna Marie BONITZKarl Paul MEIßNER  Marriage: 13 MAY 1894, Zwönitz, Sachsen
                  4 Ella Marie MEISSNER
            3 Linda Olga BONITZ
      2 Friedrich Gustav MERKELErnstine Wilhelmine MÜLLER  Marriage: 18 OCT 1874, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Auguste Ernestine MERKEL

Descendants of Auguste Ernestine MERKEL

1 Auguste Ernestine MERKELFriedrich Gustav LEISTNER  Marriage: 6 JUN 1870, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Gustav Ottomar LEISTNEROlga Minna MEYER

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Augustine Ernestine MERKEL

Ancestors of Augustine Ernestine MERKEL

                            /-Adam Friedrich MERKEL
                  /-Traugott Friedrich MERKEL
                  |         |                   /-Christian ENGELHARDT
                  |         |         /-Christian ENGELHARDT
                  |         |         |         \-Maria GRABNER
                  |         \-Christiana Sophia ENGERT
                  |                   |                   /-Georg PFAU
                  |                   |         /-Georg PFABE
                  |                   |         |         \-Justina GRABNER
                  |                   \-Maria Catharina PFABE
                  |                             \-Elisabeth GRUNER
        /-Friedrich August MERKEL
        |         \-Johanne Sophie BARTH
Augustine Ernestine MERKEL
        |                             /-Johann Caspar PFENNIG
        |                   /-Johann Caspar PFENNIG
        |         /-Traugott Friedrich PFENNIG
        |         |         |                             /-Hans KEMPT
        |         |         |                   /-Christoph KEMPT
        |         |         |                   |         \-Justina RICHTER
        |         |         |         /-Johann Christoph KEMPE
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Georg REUTHER
        |         |         |         |         \-Susanna REUTER
        |         |         |         |                   \-Rosina KUNZ
        |         |         \-Johanna Dorothea KEMPE
        |         |                   |                   /-Andreas REINHOLD
        |         |                   |         /-Israel REINHOLD
        |         |                   |         |         \-Susanna BONITZ
        |         |                   \-Maria Juliana REINHOLD
        |         |                             |         /-Israel GÖTHEL
        |         |                             \-Anna Maria GÖTHEL
        |         |                                       \-Esther SIEBER
        \-Christiana Friederika PFENNIG
                  |                                       /-Christian WEIGEL
                  |                             /-Abraham WEIGEL
                  |                             |         \-Maria BONITZ
                  |                   /-Johann Friedrich WEIGEL
                  |                   |         |         /-Hans KEMPT
                  |                   |         \-Rosina KEMPT
                  |                   |                   \-Justina RICHTER
                  |         /-Carl Friedrich WEIGEL
                  |         |         |         /-Jeremias KÖHL
                  |         |         \-Johanna KÖHL
                  |         |                   \-Rosina KÖNIG
                  \-Johanna Christiana WEIGEL
                            |                             /-Christian SCHULTZ
                            |                   /-Christian SCHULTZ
                            |                   |         \-Justina GÖTHEL
                            |         /-Georg Ernst SCHULTZE
                            |         |         |         /-Christoph ROSCHER
                            |         |         \-Anna Maria ROSCHER
                            |         |                   \-Rosina BONITZ
                            \-Christiana Sophia SCHULTZ
                                      |         /-Christoph REPPEL
                                      \-Maria Sophia REPPEL
                                                |         /-Israel MENDE
                                                \-Maria Rosina MENDT
                                                          \-Rosina ILLIG

Descendants of Augustine Ernestine MERKEL

1 Augustine Ernestine MERKELCarl August WEIGEL  Marriage: 28 JAN 1855, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christian Fürchtegott MERKEL

Ancestors of Christian Fürchtegott MERKEL

                  /-Christian Andreas MERCKEL
        /-Johann Carl MERCKEL
        |         \-Maria Rosina SCHUBERT
Christian Fürchtegott MERKEL
        |                                                 /-Hans HÖFER
        |                                       /-Hans HÖFER
        |                                       |         \-Maria BONITZ
        |                             /-Andreas HÖFER
        |                             |         \-Christina GÖTHEL
        |                   /-Johannes HÖFER
        |                   |         |                   /-Peter BONITZ
        |                   |         |         /-Georg (Görg) BONITZ
        |                   |         |         |         \-Christina NN
        |                   |         \-Christina PONITZ
        |                   |                   |         /-Merten (Martin) WETZEL
        |                   |                   \-Catharina WETZEL
        |                   |                             \-Sabina PFÜLLER
        |         /-Johann Paul HÖFER
        |         |         |                   /-Georg HEIMPEL
        |         |         |         /-Georg HEIMPOLD
        |         |         \-Justina HEIMPOLD
        |         |                   |         /-Abel MÜLLER
        |         |                   \-Esther MÜLLER
        \-Johanna Rosina HÖFER
                  |                                       /-Hans DECKER
                  |                             /-Hans DECKER
                  |                             |         \-Margarethe NN
                  |                   /-Christoph DECKER
                  |                   |         \-Maria NN
                  |         /-Hans DECKER
                  |         |         \-Dorothea GÜNTHER
                  \-Anna Maria DECKER
                            |                             /-Michael KÖHLER
                            |                   /-Zacharias KÖHLER
                            |         /-Christoph KÖHLER
                            |         |         |         /-Christoph GÜNTHER
                            |         |         \-Maria GÜNTHER
                            |         |                   \-Katharina PECHMANN
                            \-Anna Maria KÖHLER
                                      |                   /-Hans MICHEL
                                      |         /-Hans MICHEL
                                      \-Rosina MICHEL
                                                |         /-Hans DECKER
                                                \-Magdalena DECKER
                                                          \-Maria NN

Descendants of Christian Fürchtegott MERKEL

1 Christian Fürchtegott MERKELJohanna Christliebe WETZEL  Marriage: 29 JUL 1810, Niederzwönitz, Sachsen

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Christian Gottlob MERKEL

Descendants of Christian Gottlob MERKEL

1 Christian Gottlob MERKELJohanna Christiana TROBITZSCH  Marriage: 6 APR 1788, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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Christiana Friederika MERKEL

Ancestors of Christiana Friederika MERKEL

                  /-Adam Friedrich MERKEL
        /-Traugott Friedrich MERKEL
        |         |                   /-Christian ENGELHARDT
        |         |         /-Christian ENGELHARDT
        |         |         |         \-Maria GRABNER
        |         \-Christiana Sophia ENGERT
        |                   |                   /-Georg PFAU
        |                   |         /-Georg PFABE
        |                   |         |         |         /-Hans GRABNER
        |                   |         |         \-Justina GRABNER
        |                   |         |                   \-Justina GÖDEL
        |                   \-Maria Catharina PFABE
        |                             \-Elisabeth GRUNER
Christiana Friederika MERKEL
        \-Sophia Friederika MÜLLER

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Christiana Karolina MERKEL

Descendants of Christiana Karolina MERKEL

1 Christiana Karolina MERKELKarl Gottlieb FRITZSCHE  Marriage: 24 SEP 1826, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Daniel Friedrich FRITZSCHEChristiane Karoline GÜNTHER  Marriage: 23 FEB 1868, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Christian August FRITZSCHELina Auguste PÖSCHEL  Marriage: 31 MAY 1863, Zwönitz, Sachsen
      2 Friedrich Gustav FRITZSCHERosalia Auguste SCHAUFUß  Marriage: 23 APR 1871, Mülsen St. Niclas

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Christiane Ernestine MERKEL

Ancestors of Christiane Ernestine MERKEL

                            /-Adam Friedrich MERKEL
                  /-Traugott Friedrich MERKEL
                  |         |                   /-Christian ENGELHARDT
                  |         |         /-Christian ENGELHARDT
                  |         |         |         \-Maria GRABNER
                  |         \-Christiana Sophia ENGERT
                  |                   |                   /-Georg PFAU
                  |                   |         /-Georg PFABE
                  |                   |         |         \-Justina GRABNER
                  |                   \-Maria Catharina PFABE
                  |                             \-Elisabeth GRUNER
        /-Friedrich August MERKEL
        |         \-Johanne Sophie BARTH
Christiane Ernestine MERKEL
        |                             /-Johann Caspar PFENNIG
        |                   /-Johann Caspar PFENNIG
        |         /-Traugott Friedrich PFENNIG
        |         |         |                             /-Hans KEMPT
        |         |         |                   /-Christoph KEMPT
        |         |         |                   |         \-Justina RICHTER
        |         |         |         /-Johann Christoph KEMPE
        |         |         |         |         |         /-Georg REUTHER
        |         |         |         |         \-Susanna REUTER
        |         |         |         |                   \-Rosina KUNZ
        |         |         \-Johanna Dorothea KEMPE
        |         |                   |                   /-Andreas REINHOLD
        |         |                   |         /-Israel REINHOLD
        |         |                   |         |         \-Susanna BONITZ
        |         |                   \-Maria Juliana REINHOLD
        |         |                             |         /-Israel GÖTHEL
        |         |                             \-Anna Maria GÖTHEL
        |         |                                       \-Esther SIEBER
        \-Christiana Friederika PFENNIG
                  |                                       /-Christian WEIGEL
                  |                             /-Abraham WEIGEL
                  |                             |         \-Maria BONITZ
                  |                   /-Johann Friedrich WEIGEL
                  |                   |         |         /-Hans KEMPT
                  |                   |         \-Rosina KEMPT
                  |                   |                   \-Justina RICHTER
                  |         /-Carl Friedrich WEIGEL
                  |         |         |         /-Jeremias KÖHL
                  |         |         \-Johanna KÖHL
                  |         |                   \-Rosina KÖNIG
                  \-Johanna Christiana WEIGEL
                            |                             /-Christian SCHULTZ
                            |                   /-Christian SCHULTZ
                            |                   |         \-Justina GÖTHEL
                            |         /-Georg Ernst SCHULTZE
                            |         |         |         /-Christoph ROSCHER
                            |         |         \-Anna Maria ROSCHER
                            |         |                   \-Rosina BONITZ
                            \-Christiana Sophia SCHULTZ
                                      |         /-Christoph REPPEL
                                      \-Maria Sophia REPPEL
                                                |         /-Israel MENDE
                                                \-Maria Rosina MENDT
                                                          \-Rosina ILLIG

Descendants of Christiane Ernestine MERKEL

1 Christiane Ernestine MERKELFriedrich Gustav OTTO  Marriage: 14 APR 1861, Zwönitz, Sachsen

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